Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is there a Stardard API Which Can be Used to Disable or End Date a Responsibility?Oracle Application Object Library - Version: 11.5.10 to

Oracle Application Object Library - Version: 11.5.10 to in this document applies to any platform.

There is one API (FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API.Insert_Assignment) for adding the responsibility to user account. However, is there an API, which could be used to end-date or disable the responsibility from the user's account?

The delete responsibility happens by adding the end date. Therefore, first query fnd_user_resp_groups_direct to get the start_date for the existing assignment.
Then use the following API to end date it.

if (fnd_user_resp_groups_api.assignment_exists( x.user_id, x.responsibility_id, x.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID)) then fnd_user_resp_groups_api.update_assignment( user_id => x.user_id, responsibility_id => x.responsibility_id, responsibility_application_id => x.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID, start_date => x.start_date, end_date => sysdate, description => null); end if;

One concern is the user could see the changes are not getting reflected immediately when queried on User Define Form.
These processes are deferred at the workflow level of processing. It should be no longer than a couple minutes before the changes are reflected in the define users (FNDSCAUS) form.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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