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How to submit a concurrent program using the CONCSUB utility from the operating system.
You can submit a concurrent request to run any concurrent program by running the CONCSUB program with the following syntax:: CONCSUB / \ \ \ \ [WAIT=NY] \ CONCURRENT \ \ \ [PROGRAM_NAME=””] \ [REPEAT_TIME=] \ [REPEAT_INTERVAL= ] \ [REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT=<>] \ [REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE=<>] \ [REPEAT_END=] \ [START=] \ [IMPLICIT=<> \ [ ... ] For parameters that follow the CONCURRENT parameter and include spaces, enclose the parameter argument in double quotes, then again in single quotes. Oracle Application Object Library requires this syntax because it parses the argument string twice. For example, to pass this argument to a program: This is an example pass this argument through CONCSUB: ’”This is an example”’ Example: Here is an example of the command to run CONCSUB: $ CONCSUB APPS/APPS \ SYSADMIN \ ”System Administrator” \ SYSADMIN \ WAIT=N \ CONCURRENT \ FND \ FNDFMRTC \ PROGRAM_NAME=’”Register Custom Tables Weekly”’ \ REPEAT_INTERVAL=7 \ REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT=”DAYS” \ REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE=”START” \ START=’”08–JUN–96 23:55:00”’ CGL APPLSYS ALL CGL
Please note that the above example uses the UNIX line continuation character '\', not all operating systems support the use of this character. If the line continuation character is not supported then the CONCSUB command should be submitted as one continuous line...Example $ CONCSUB APPS/APPS SYSADMIN ”System Administrator” SYSADMIN WAIT=N CONCURRENT FND FNDFMRTC PROGRAM_NAME=’”Register Custom Tables Weekly”’ REPEAT_INTERVAL=7 REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT=”DAYS” REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE=”START” START=’”08–JUN–96 23:55:00”’ CGL APPLSYS ALL CGL The following entries explain the required and optional parameters for submitting a concurrent program with CONCSUB. Default values are listed to the right. Required. The ORACLE username and password that provides access to the data that your program uses. Required. The application short name of the responsibility whose concurrent processing options you want to use. Required. The name of your responsibility. If the name of your responsibility includes spaces, enclose that name in double quotes. Required. The uppercase username of the application user whose concurrent processing options you want to use. Optional. A flag that indicates whether to wait for the submitted request to complete. If you leave this parameter out, the default value of N makes CONCSUB return you to the operating system prompt without waiting for your request to complete. Set WAIT=Y to have CONCSUB check the request status every 60 seconds and return you to the operating system prompt when your request is completed. You can also enter an integer value for a number of seconds, as in WAIT=30, for CONCSUB to check for request completion every seconds. Attention: Using WAIT=Y or WAIT= requires that your request completes before CONCSUB returns you to the operating system. If the concurrent manager is down, your CONCSUB process waits indefinitely until the concurrent manager is started and the request completes. Required. A flag that separates the program–specific parameters from the operating system parameters. Required. The application short name of your concurrent program. Required. The uppercase name of your program. It must be the short name that you enter in the Concurrent Programs window when defining a concurrent program. Optional. A descriptive name for your program. The program field on the View Requests form displays this as the user–friendly program name. The concurrent program short name passed to CONCSUB is often hard for end users to understand, so the PROGRAM_NAME parameter allows you to pass a more easily remembered name for your concurrent program. If you do not specify a PROGRAM_NAME, the View Requests form displays the user–friendly program name specified in the Concurrent Programs window. You may also use the PROGRAM_NAME parameter to indicate the batch that your request processes for programs that process a set of data, where there could be several requests for a given program that are active at the same time. Optional. The time of day to resubmit the request. The format for the time is HH24:MI or HH24:MI:SS. For example, REPEAT_TIME=14:30 resubmits your request daily at 2:30 p.m. Attention: Do not use REPEAT_TIME with other resubmission parameters except for the optional parameters REPEAT_END and START. Optional. The interval between resubmission (a positive integer or real number). Use this parameter along with REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT to specify the time between resubmissions. Optional. The unit of time used for the interval between resubmissions. The available units are MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS or MONTHS. Use this parameter along with REPEAT_INTERVAL to specify the time between resubmissions. For example, setting REPEAT_INTERVAL=12 and REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT=HOURS resubmits your request every twelve hours. The default value is DAYS. Attention: Do not use REPEAT_INTERVAL and REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT with REPEAT_TIME. Optional. Whether to time the resubmission interval from the requested start time of the request or from its completion. Set this parameter either toSTART or END. The default value is START. Attention: Use REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE only if you use REPEAT_INTERVAL. Optional. The date and time to stop resubmitting the concurrent request. Use one of the following for the format of the end date: ’”DD–MON–RR HH24:MI:SS”’ (as in ’”07–APR–02 18:32:05”’) or ’”DD–MON–RRRR HH24:MI:SS”’ (as in ’”07–APR–2002 18:32:05”’) Note that because this date format includes a space, you must enclose the date in double quotation marks and single quotation marks. You can also specify just the date: ’DD–MON–RR’ or ’DD–MON–RRRR’ Optional. A start date and time for your program in this format: ’”DD–MON–RR HH24:MI:SS”’ (as in ’”07–APR–02 18:32:05”’) Because this date format includes a space, you must enclose the date in double quotation marks and single quotation marks. If you do not specify a start time, your program submits immediately and is processed by the next available concurrent manager. The default value is the current time. Optional. Whether to show this concurrent request on the View Requests form. Specify NO, YES, ERROR or WARNING. The value IMPLICIT=NO allows the request to appear on the View Request form. The default value is NO. The value IMPLICIT=YES means that only the System Administrator’s privileged View Concurrent Requests form displays this request. Use this value if the request is not interesting to the user. Specify IMPLICIT=ERROR or IMPLICIT=WARNING, respectively, if you want the request to appear only if it fails or completes with warnings. Optional. The number of days after which to repeat the concurrent request, calculated from the last requested start date. The number can be a positive integer or real number. For example, REPEAT_DAYS=1.5 resubmits your request every 36 hours. Attention: Do not use REPEAT_DAYS with other resubmission parameters except for the optional parameters REPEAT_END and START. Suggestion: REPEAT_DAYS will become obsolete in a future release. You may therefore want to use REPEAT_INTERVAL, REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE and REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT instead of REPEAT_DAYS. ... Optional. Your program–specific parameters. If a parameter includes spaces, enclose that parameter in double quotes, then in single quotes. If a parameter contains a double quotation mark as part of the argument, precede that mark with a backslash [\].
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after the script submits the conc program with WAIT=Y, is it possible for the script to wait for the completion of the conc program run and catch the status of the conc program run? my objective is for the script to shoot an email when the conc program run ends in error status.
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