Friday, June 26, 2009

Enable tracing in Jinitiator for troubleshooting webform applications

For support individuals who would like to obtain additional information when theapplication is running - For e.g. to know the files being loaded when the web form application uses images.

Enabling Tracing in Jinitiator

Method 1
Open the Jinitiator Control Panel. On Windows select Start - Settings - Control Panel - Jinitiator 1.3.1.x. Enter the following in the "java Run Time parameters" textfield:-Djavaplugin.trace=true-Djavaplugin.trace.option=basicnetsecurityextliveconnect.Tracing set through the Control Panel will take effect when the Plug-in is launched, but changes made through the Control Panel while a Plug-in is running will have no effect until restart.You can see the trace information in the jinitiator console or in the fileC:\Documents and Settings\\jinitiator131x.trace

Method 2
This method assumes you are running a web forms application and the Java Consoleis active. Press an appropriate number using your alphanumeric keypad (0-5). This enables tracing on the fly.The trace level options (0-5) are increasingly verbose with the various levels corresponding to the following:0 - off1 - basic2 - network and basic3 - security, network and basic4 - extension, security, network and basic5 - LiveConnect, extension, security, network and basic

1 comment:

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