Friday, December 19, 2008

How To Determine What Products Are Installed in Applications 11i

There are are several ways to find out which products are installed, shared or inactive for choosen product family and products. Please use any of the options listed below.

1. Run Licence Manager

2. Run the following script in Sqlplus as apps user:

cd $AD_TOP/sql/adutconf.sql

Sqlplus> @adutconf.sql

This creates a text file adutconf.lst in the current working directory.

3. View the file $APPL_TOP/admin/applprod.txt file

4. Run the following queries in Sqlplus as apps user:

a) Find all products and statuses:

select application_id, status
from fnd_product_installations;

b) Find the status of a particular product:

E.g. Application_id:

PER (Human Resources) = 800
PAY (Payroll) = 801

select application_id, statusfrom fnd_product_installations;where application_id = '%80%';


I = Installed
S = Shared
N = Not Installed

5. Run and determine the current family pack level and latest family pack level, get it from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks. the solution for .pdf it may be damaged recovery may be also needed in some cases