Sunday, December 28, 2008

Applying Patches to Oracle Management Server (OMS) and Agent Home

Applying a patch on the OMS HOME

1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable

2. Include /OPatch in the $PATH environment variable
export PATH

3. Shut down the OMS Server

4. Navigate to the directory where the patch is located and run OPatch

$ cd patch number

$ opatch apply

5. The applied patch can be checked through,

$ opatch lsinventory

6. Start the OMS

Applying a patch on the AGENT HOME

1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable


2. Include /OPatch in the $PATH environment variable
export PATH

3. Shut down the agent.

4. Navigate to the directory where the patch is located and run OPatch

$ cd patch number

$ opatch apply

5. The applied patch can be checked through,

$ opatch lsinventory

6. Start the agent

If prompted by OPatch to "Rollback" existing patch, hit "y" and continue.

Patch Deinstallation Instructions (Both OMS and Agent)

Use the following command

cd patch number/

opatch rollback -id patch number

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