Monday, July 13, 2009

Adding a new node to cluster

1. Run the ($ORA_CRS_HOME/oui/bin) in one of the existing nodes as the oracle user

2.The OUI Welcome screen will appear, click next.

3.On the "Specify Cluster Nodes to Add to Installation" screen, add the public and private node names (these should exist in /etc/hosts and should be pingable from each of the cluster nodes), click next.

4.The "Cluster Node Addition Summary" screen will appear, click next.

5. The "Cluster Node Addition Progress" screen will appear, then it’ll be prompt us to run as the root user. First verify that the CLSCFG information in the script is correct. It should contain the new public and private node names and node numbers.


$CLSCFG -add -nn ,2 -pn ,2 -hn ,2
Then run the script on the EXISTING node you ran the from. Example:

su root
sh -x

Once this is finished, click OK in the dialog box to continue.

6. Next you will see the "End of Installation" screen. At this point we can exit the installer.

7. Change the ownership of all CRS Homes back to root.

8. Edit /etc/init.d/ to make the following changes,
chown oracle:dba /dev/raw/raw1
chown root:dba /dev/raw/raw3
chmod 644 /dev/raw/*

9. Check the crsctl status using,
$ ps -ef grep CRS
$ $CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs

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