Monday, April 6, 2009

How to start the Output Post Processor (OPP)?

To activate the OPP follow these setps

The Profile Option "Concurrent: GSM Enabled" must be set to Y


1. Login to Apps with sysadmin responsibility
2. Navigate to: Concurrent -> Managers -> Define
3. Query for
Manager = 'Output Post Processor'
or Short Name = FNDCPOPP
4. Check the checkbox "Enable" .
5. Click on 'Work Shifts button
6. see Work Shift of the OPP and
Processes = 1
Parameters = oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5
Sleep Second = 30
7. Save
8. Navigate to:_ Concurrent -> Managers -> Administer
9. Make sure the Output Post Processor Status is not 'Deactivate'
Set Status to 'Activate' if necessary.

10. Stop and Start the Concurrent Managers using

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