Thursday, April 30, 2009

Custom reports exit with APP:FND-362 error

Customized Reports exit with error

APP-FND-00362: Routine &ROUTINE cannot execute request &REQUEST for program &PROGRAM, because theenvironment variable &BASEPATH is not set for the application to which the concurrent program executable &EXECUTABLE belongs. Shut down the concurrent managers. Set the basepath environment variable for theapplication. Restart the concurrent managers.

Customized reports registered under the customization Application directory structure were created under APPL_TOP directory and then were copied into it or that the concurrent program definition was incorrect. Rather, the custom top under which this program was registered was not defined correctly. the value of custom application registration within apps (applications -> register) should be the same value as in the shell level.

To implement the solution, execute the following steps:

1. Define customization _TOP directory in your Applications environment file (e.g: CUST_TOP=".../cust/xx.x.x")

2. If step 1 is executed already, login to forms, select system administrator responsibility and navigate to applications -> register. query up the Custom application and change the value of it with the same name as in the shell level.

3. Bounce the concurrent Managers

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