Friday, December 26, 2008

Create a custom top and a corresponding user

- Create the directory structure of the new custom top
mkdir cust
cd cust
mkdir 11.5.0
cd 11.5.0
mkdir bin
mkdir forms
mkdir forms/US
mkdir sql
mkdir reports
mkdir log
mkdir admin
mkdir admin/sql
mkdir admin/odf
mkdir resource
mkdir reports/US

- Register the custom appliaction in Oracle Applications
login to oracle applications
System administrator -> Application -> Register
Application - Custom development
Base path - XXXX_CUST_TOP
Short name - CUST
Description - Custom Top
save the record

- Add Application to a Data Group
Navigate to system administrator -> Security: Oracle -> DataGroup
Data Group = standard
Description = standard data group
click on "Copy Applications from" and pick Standard data Group, then add following entry.
Application = Custom development
Oracle ID = APPS
Description = Custom Application
save the record

- Edit the context file and add an entery for the newly created custom directory
cd $APPL_TOP/admin
vi VISN11_nglinux05.xml
insert the following entry
save and quit file

- Run autoconfig
cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/context_name
sh apps/****
sh apps/****
sh apps/****

- Change the OS level write permissions for the cust directory (execute as root user or the apps file system owner)
chmod -R 775 cust

- Create the OS user to transfer the files to the custom top (execute as root user)
groupadd appldev
useradd -g appldev -d /home/appldev
use "passwd" utility to set the password for the user created

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks. the solution for pdf analysis repair tool may be also needed in some cases