On the Maintenance Wizard Node:
1. Logged in as the mwuser user who will own Maintenance Wizard.
2. Generated the ssh key by issuing the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Press the Enter key three times.
3. CD into the .ssh directory, which is located under the home directory (/home/mwuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub). Note that a file called id_rsa.pub is created.
4. Used SCP to copy id_rsa.pub to the /tmp directory of the Remote Nodes.
- On the Remote Node :
1. Loged as the user who owns the product being upgraded or maintained (oravisn)
2. Created a directory called .ssh in the home directory.
3. If an authorized_keys file does not exist, create a new, empty one under .ssh
4. Copied the content of /tmp/id_rsa.pub (from the Maintenance Wizard Node) into a new file named authorized_keys. (If you already have a file called authorized_keys in this directory, open it in vi, go to the bottom of the file, add one blank line and then copy and paste the contents of the file /tmp/id_rsa.pub into the existing file and save it.)
5. Verify that the .ssh directory permission is set to 700
6. Verify that the authorized_keys file permission is set to 600
Repeat the above steps for each Remote Node
- Test the installation:
1. Logged to the Maintenance Wizard Node as Maintenance Wizard owner (mwuser)
2. Execute the following command,
ssh -l [user] [SERVER]
ssh -l oravisn nglinux02
When prompted to confirm the identity, responded "Yes".
Disconnected from the server.
3. Executed the following command:
ssh -l [user] [SERVER] echo 'foo'
ssh -l oravisn nglinux02 echo 'foo'
Output: foo
- Install the databsase,
- 1. Ran the iAS installer
2. Specified the installation directory
3. Choosed "Advanced Installation Mode" and click NEXT
4. Choosed "Web Server and Process Management" (or "Integrated Web Server, J2EE Server and Process Management") and click NEXT
5. Selected your desired method of port configuration and click NEXT
Optionally, select your desired Administration Instance settings and click NEXT
6. Specified your Cluster Topology Configuration and click NEXT
7. Clicked INSTALL
8. Exited the installer,When the installation has completed
- Configure the listener and tnsnames.ora for the created database and create a sysmbolic link of both files in IAS_HOME as follows,
- Create the NEWEOF tablespace where the Maintenance Wizard schema objects will be stored,
create tablespace NEWEOF datafile '/u04/oracle/10.2.0/oradata/mainwiz/eof01.dbf' size 50M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE 75M;
- Download maintenance wizard patch # 7345646
- Set the following variables,
ORACLE_HOME=/u04/oracle/10.2.0; export ORACLE_HOME PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH TWO_TASK=MAINWIZ;export TWO_TASK TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin; export TNS_ADMIN cd $ORACLE_HOME mkdir eof EOF_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME/eof; export EOF_HOME export IAS_HOME=/u04/oracle/10.1.3
- Run the installation script. ,
EOF Tool configuration Information
The following configuration information is for the EOF instance only
Protocol = httpDomain = domain.comOracle Home = /u04/oracle/10.2.0Connect String = mainwizSystem password =
Finished updating EOF_CONFIG with appropriate values...Writing /u04/oracle/10.2.0/eof/config/todo.txt file...DoneChoose from the following options:
1. Change/reload Maintenance Wizard configuration
2. View todo.txt file
3. Exit
- Edit the $IAS_HOME/Apache/Apache/httpd.conf to change Timeout parameter to a value of 10800 (3 hours)
- Re-run setup.sh with the -overwrite and -import parameters as follows in order to change any values
cd $EOF_HOME/config ./setup.sh -overwrite -import
- Stop and start the iAS
$IAS_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stop $IAS_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
- Secured the $EOF_HOME/EOF.env file
chmod 700 $EOF_HOME/EOF.env
- Login to the tool using the following URL and the pre-assigned username and password that we assigned it
sysadmin/mainwiz (http://hostname.domain:ApachePort/EOF/
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