Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to rejoin new ORACLE_HOME with an installed EBS Instance?

If the database is currently running, do the following :

Remove ORACLE_HOME info from NetServices Toplogy model :

1. Set env from old $ORACLE_HOME
2. Start Listener and database
3. cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
Execute following command :
perl adgentns.pl contextfile=old $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/_.xml -removesystem

4. Shutdown Database and listener

Update new ORACLE_HOME :
5. Copy OLD $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil directory to new $ORACLE_HOME

6. Copy OLD $TNS_ADMIN directory to new $ORACLE_HOME
7. Edit new $TNS_ADMIN/*.ora files and update ORACLE_HOME path in following files :
8. Copy OLD $ORACLE_HOME/*.env to new $ORACLE_HOME
9. Edit /*.env files and update paths within10. Run /_.env
11. Rename any existing /dbs/initSID.ora or spfile
12. cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin

Build a new context file via following command :

./adclonectx.pl contextfile=/appsutil/_.xml validate=no

Enter the values to reflect new ORACLE_HOME

13. Run AutoConfig via following commands :

a) cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin

b) ./adconfig.sh contextfile=/appsutil/SID_hostname.xml

NOTE: It will fail because database is down, but we want it to create configuration files

15. Start listener
16. Start Database

1 comment:

Unknown said...

there are many ways of recover sql server and you can get an intelligent solution against the damage of selected files