Friday, June 26, 2009

How to add or remove the "About This Page" link on E-Business Suite Framework pages?

This document describes:-

1. How to remove the 'About this page' link from OA Framework based Self Service pages

2. How to add the 'About this page' link to OA Framework based Self Service pages


1. How to remove the 'About this page' link
In order to hide the 'About this Page' link, BOTH of the following system Profile options need to be set to a value of "No"
"FND: Diagnostics" (Short name : FND_DIAGNOSTICS) and "Personalize Self-Service Defn" (Short name : FND_CUSTOM_OA_DEFINTION)
Once these profile options have been changed, users will need to logout and re-login for the change to take effect
If after making the above changes the pages still show the 'About this Page' link, then you can take these steps to confirm the issue:-

a. Check the profile options are not set to "Yes" at any level
The profile options can be set at different levels, so need to be sure the profile option values have been changed at all levels that may effect the users

Run this script two times, once for each of the following profile values FND%Diagnostics Personalize

b. Restart Apache
If all profile options are set correctly, then restarting Apache will ensure the profile options are not cached in Apache's Java Cache

2. How to add the 'About this page' link
To enable the 'About this Page' link on OA Framework pages, you should set EITHER or BOTH of the following system Profile options to a value of "Yes"
For this purpose of enabling the 'About this page' link' it does not matter which profile option you enable, but be sure you are aware of the additional effects of the profile option you decide to enable. Review the Profile Option documentation listed in the references section below if you need explanations of these effects
You can set these profile options at different levels to effect all or some users as appropriate for your requirement
"FND: Diagnostics" (Short name : FND_DIAGNOSTICS) and/or"Personalize Self-Service Defn" (Short name : FND_CUSTOM_OA_DEFINTION)
Once these profile options have been changed, users will need to logout and re-login for the change to take effect
If after making the above changes the pages still do not show the 'About this Page' link, then you can take the same steps described above to investigate the issue

1 comment:

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